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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Football History - The Contestant Countries of the World Cup Football

Part - Seven

Year ---- Contestant Countries
1930 ---- Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, France, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, United States, Uruguay, Yugoslavia.
1934 ---- Austria, Czechoslovakia, Mishor, Germany, Netherland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Suiden, Switzerland.
1938 ---- Cuba, Dutch East Indies, Norway, Poland.
1950 ---- England.
1954 ---- Scotland, South Korea, Turkey, Republican West Germany.
1958 ---- North Ireland, Republican Soviet Union, Owals.
1962 ---- Bulgaria, Colombia.
1966 ---- North Korea, Portugal.
1970 ---- Al Salvador, Israel, Morocco.
1974 ---- Australia, Republican East Germany, Hiety, Jere.
1978 ---- Iran, Tunisia.
1982 ---- Algeria, Cameroon, Honduras, Kuwait, Newszeland.
1986 ---- Canada, Denmark, Iraq.
1990 ---- Ireland, Arab Emirate, Costarica.
1994 ---- Greece, Saudi Arab, Nigeria.
1998 ---- Japan, Jamaica, Croatia, South Africa.
2002 ---- Sanagal, China, Slovenia, Ecuador.
2006 ---- Ivory Cost, Trinidad, Togo, Tunisia.
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