Soccer World

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Squad for the FIFA World Cup 2010: Slovenia Team

Coach: Matjaz Kek

Goal Keepers

* 1 Samir Handanovic
* 12 Jasmin Handanovic
* 16 Aleksander Seliga


* 2 Miso Brecko
* 3 Elvedin Dzinic
* 4 Marko Suler
* 5 Bostjan Cesar
* 6 Branko Ilic
* 13 Bojan Jokic
* 19 Suad Filekovic
* 22 Matej Mavric

Mid Fielders

* 8 Robert Koren
* 10 Valter Birsa
* 15 Rene Krhin
* 17 Andraz Kirm
* 18 Aleksandar Radosavljevic
* 20 Andrej Komac
* 21 Dalibor Stevanovic


* 7 Nejc Picnik
* 9 Zlatan Ljubijankic
* 11 Milivoje Novakovic
* 14 Zlatko Dedic
* 23 Tim MATAVZ Matavz
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